BodyScan (IN/OUT)

“To create BodyScan (IN/OUT), Austrian artist Eva Wohlgemuth had her own body accurately scanned and rendered digitally in three dimensions.Using this as a foundation, the artist subjected her digi


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Pigeon Blog

“Beatriz DaCosta’s Pigeon Blog (2006) used miniature air pollution sensors, GPS units, and transmitters attached to homing pigeons to evaluate and map local air quality.”[1]

New York Surveillance Camera Players

“Inspired by the situationist theory of détournement, since 1996, the New York Surveillance Camera Players have been enacting agit-prop theatre performances, based on sources including George Orwel

Jelly Lovers: Dreams of Causality

Jelly Lovers (1991, Michael Joaquin Grey work with Randolph Huff), "a 3-D neural network animation that documents morphological and developmental changes in a Medusa-like artificial life form."[1]<

Milk Drop Coronet

What the scientist knows as Surface Tension is a sculptor in liquids, and fashions from them delicate shapes none the less beautiful because they are too ephemeral for any eye but that of the high-speed camera.

In the 1930s, Harold ‘Doc’ Edgerton synchronized a camera’s shutter with a  high-intensity electronic flash unit, which enabled significantly faster shutter speeds as in Milk Drop Coronet (BW, 1936, color image left, 1957.


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Robot K456

“Nam June Paik and Shuya Abe created one of the first art robots. Robot K456 with 20-Channel Radio Control and 10-Channel Data Recorder, 1965, was an

Video Flag Y

“Video Flag is an important example of Paik’s more recent work composed of a series of sculptural television constructions or walls of TVs.


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In the video Myron Krueger explains the Videoplace installation.

Darwin (programming game)

“Tierra is a derivative of the computer programmers’ game Core War. And Core War was in part inspired by a game called Darwin.