A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter

“The work, A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter, is an eight inch high gloss black cube. Inside the hollow box is a small micro-controller and an Ethernet adapter.

Art Ticker

“This sculpture displays the names of artists and indicates how fast they are rising or falling in the media.

Igloo di Giap

[video src=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG9FkdpMrUA]

Robot K456

“Nam June Paik and Shuya Abe created one of the first art robots. Robot K456 with 20-Channel Radio Control and 10-Channel Data Recorder, 1965, was an

The Other

The Other is an interactive audio installation incorporating temporary an reconfigured architecture, audio only

Blinkenlights (Reloaded)

The author of this entry’s own video from 2005 when the Blinkenlights installation was revamped for a city lights festival:


Upon invitation to reflect on the notion of transparency, that led me into the forest to