
According to artist Jane Prophet, TechnoSphere is an “evolution simulator that enabled people to create their own creatures and communicate with them as they grow, evolve and die in a virtual three-dimensional environment.” In the screen-grab from the website, users first choose to make an Herbivore or Carnivore, then are presented with a choice of […]

Hands Writing: One Word with Three Hands Simultaneously

The performative body and the cyborgian body are continuous in Stelarc’s oeuvre and both are inextricable from the mediation of human intelligence and volition. In some of his performances, such as Hands Writing: One Word with Three Hands Simultaneously (1982), the artist retains full control of robotic devices. By contrast, in Ping Body (first performed […]

Evolved Virtual Creatures

This shows results from Karl Sims’ ”Evolved Virtual Creatures project”, which involving simulated Darwinian evolutions of virtual block creatures.