Since January 1990, ArtFutura, the festival of Digital Culture and Creativity of reference in Spain, has explored the most interesting projects and ideas that have come up on the international panorama of new media, interactive design, videogames and digital animation.
Its activities include conferences, workshops, interactive installations, exhibitions and live performances.
Among the festival’s participants in previous editions: William Gibson, Theo Jansen, Toshio Iwai, Laurie Anderson, Hiroshi Ishii, Paul Friedlander, Moebius, David Byrne, Masaya Matsuura, Howard Rheingold, Timothy Leary, Tomato, Tetsuya Mizuguchi, Rebecca Allen, Ryota Kuwakubo, Mariscal, Orlan, Stelarc, Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Brian Eno, Karl Sims, Marcel.lí Antúnez, Arthur Kroker, Xeni Jardin and many others.
Also, organizations and companies such as Ars Electronica, Blast Theory, UVA, Pixar, Industrial Light & Magic, Weta Digital, Sony Pictures Imageworks, Digital Domain, SAT Montreal, Amorphic Robot Works or the MIT Media Lab.
What is more, the GaleríaFutura division is promoting the more exhibitable aspects of new digital creativity. Among its projects there’s the large-scale exhibition “SoulsandMachines” at the Museo Nacional Reina Sofía in 2008.
Throughout these years, ArtFutura has shown how, at the beginning of this new millennium, art and science are following parallel paths more than ever. It is now impossible to understand art separated from new media, Internet and digital technology.