Light Mural for KLM


Screenshot of “Light Mural for KLM”[1]

“Kepes shared his mentor László Moholy-Nagy’s fascination with parallels between nature, art and science, particularly with respect to visual patterns. True to his Bauhaus heritage, he was also a strong proponent for unifying art, science and technology, which he did in his many books and works and works of art.”[1]

“After smaller painted metal panels and enamel walls, between 1959 and 1965 he planned and produced a series of larger mosaic murals, stained glass windows, light walls, etc. Among these large-scale pieces of art, the Programmed Light Mural (KLM Office, New York) is certainly on the zenith of his light art.”[2]

[1] Edward A. Shanken, Art and Electronic Media, p.58
